Lesson 1: Introduction

Hello and welcome to the Burrows Guitar Academy.

My name is Jacob and I’m going to be your guitar teacher for this course. I am honored to be able to mentor you and keep you accountable during this process of learning how to play my favorite instrument

You’ve signed up for Guitar 101, which means you want to lay a Foundation for becoming the Rock Star you’ve always wanted to become. We are going to cover some really important topics and lessons that you will be taking with you forever on your journey in learning how to play the guitar.

My goal is give you the quality resources and content that will help you thrive as a guitar player. But more than that, I want you to be accountable to somebody and to mentor you through this process.

This is important because when the going gets tough, you will have somebody to ask questions to, somebody to make sure you’re practicing and growing as a musician, somebody to encourage you when you feel like you’re failing when its actually the normal process of learning a new instrument.

I would be lying to you if I told you that learning how to play the guitar is easy. In fact there will be times where you’ll want to give it up. But I believe that with the mentoring of a guitar teacher like myself, you’ll be able to thrive even in the tough times.

I first started to learn how to play the guitar when I was taken away from my mom due to emotional and physical abuse. I was placed in the care of my father, who was a guitar player.

The first song he taught me was Mary Had A Little Lamb. Once showed me a few more things, I knew I was hooked. He bought me a junior size Fender Stratocaster for Christmas one year and I fell in love. I remember playing my guitar after school all day, doing the exercises my dad taught me, playing around and figuring out other neat sounds and riffs. I remember sitting by myself, expressing my brokenness and emotions through the guitar. It was a new way I could cope with the insanity around my life.

Since then, I’ve taken this skill and applied it to my faith in leading music for churches all around the United States and teaching students from all over the world how to play the guitar.

So what drives you? Why do you want to learn how to play the guitar? I can’t tell you how important it is to discover that for yourself. Maybe you didn’t have the upbringing that I did, maybe you just want to play with your friends or play your favorite songs you hear on the radio.

Maybe you like to go camping and you think it would be awesome to learn how to play around a campfire. Whatever it is, write it down and hold onto that because without it, you’re in for a tough ride.

So there you have it, the introduction lesson!

Be sure to complete the quiz below and send me the link to your YouTube video to receive a personalized response (for Gold Members only).

Video Instructions:

  1. Tell Me Your Name
  2. One Random Fact About Yourself
  3. Favorite Band or Genre
  4. Why You Are Learning The Guitar

Complete and Continue  